Muhammad Sadikin, Muhammad Ramdhani, Yanti Tayo


Body movement is a nonverbal one where communication occurs through one's body movements or body parts. The wobble that is done can be considered as inappropriate in a formal event that is aired on a national scale debate. From the sway there were meanings and messages that were not understood by the public. It is thought to study the motives of what actually happened. The research method used is qualitative. This study aims to understand the meaning and message of Prabowo sway on the debates of the presidential candidates for the vice presidential candidates. This study uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis proposed in a sign that contains three elements, namely denotation, connotation and myth. The unit of analysis is seeing the words that make Prabowo do the shake. Furthermore, this section is analyzed using Roland Barthes' map marks, namely markers, markers, denotation marks, connotation markers, connotation markers and connotation marks. Next, look for the meaning of myth. This research concludes that the meaning of Prabowo's sway in the vice presidential candidate debate is symbolized by the desire to prove that the accusations directed at the party he leads are false because there is no strong evidence to follow up if the allegations are true.


Semiotics; Barthes; Representation; Wobble

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