Susilowati Natakoesoemah


The objective of this study is to understand the use of Imagined Interaction as coping to women who lost her
husband. Moreover, this study try to understand the self efficacy after the lost of husband and comprehend the psy-chosocial aspects in order to adjust one womens role identity who left by her husband. This study used Honeycutt
framework about imagined interaction, and as a supporting study, the author use symbolic interaction concepts.
This is a qualitative research that uses post-positivist paradigm method. The data collection method used is in
depth interview to 5 women who already lost her husband. Based on this study, identified imagined interaction
activities in women who lost husband performed with significant other and devine other. While a role identity
adjustment process was found 3 (three) categories are Realistic Adjustment, Moderate Adjustment, and Imagined
Adjustment. In the adjustment process there are 3 (three) types of self-efficacy, namely :Acceptance Self-Efficacy:
Sincere acceptance towards the lost of husband and optimist about the future; Negotiated Self-Efficacy: Sincere
acceptance, however stay pessimist about the future; Imagined Self-Efficacy: Insincere acceptance, lack of confi-dence and very pessimist towards the future.


imagined interaction, post-positivist, role identity, self efficacy.

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