Calisca Hardiana Anggani


background this study is that the PR from The Body Shop Indonesia working together with IDdkp ( Indonesia
Diet Plastic Bags ) finalize program aims to foster community participation in efforts to maintain environment by
reducing and wiser in the use of plastic bags .
In addition , with this campaign of The Body Shop as well as introducing to the people that they truly are a cosmetics
manufacturer that care about the environment and the products and their packaging is also environmentally
friendly and do not use plastic as raw material. The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude influence
PR campaign created by The Body Shop is against participation community and know how effective the program
is in foster public participation in the reduction of the use of plastic bags with bring your own shopping bag or
replace it with a more pocket a green .
As a cornerstone of this study , used campaign then got the effect that the communicant can do things like
that desirable communicator . Then I also use participation Theory This study uses a quantitative methodology
explanative survey as a means of taking the sample . This research was conducted in the media social twitter
followers with the subject is the twitter account of The Body Shop Indonesia. Sampling technique taking
simple random sampling , with reference using Taro Yamane formula . For data collection techniques through
questionnaire ( questionnaire ) and literature . For data analysis , the authors using SPSS ( Statistical Package
for Social Science ) .


Public Relations, Campaign, Survey

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Wacana Volume XIII No.2, Juni 2014

Sumber Lain:

Company Profile dan Arsip Pribadi PT. Monica

Hijau Lestari (The Body Shop


Arsip dan dokumentasi Pribadi penulis dan responden



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