Jurnal Dinamika Ilmu Komunikasi ISSN 2088-6942 (print) and 2776-5490 (online) is a scientific journal that publishes scientific articles in the study of communication science. Jurnal Dinamika Ilmu Komunikasi aims to encourage research in communication studies. Topics addressed within the journal include but not limited to:
- Media Studies and broadcasting discusses the media content, history, effects of various media, and also the policy.
- Cross-cultural communication is a communication between people with different culture (for instance race, ethnic, or socio-economic)
- Management of communication is an idea or opinion exchange, information, instruction among people (personal or non-personal) through a various symbol to achieve company goal.
- Public relations discusses organizational communication and explained about interactions between the organization and its public.
- Advertising discusses strategy and tactics, digital advertising, measuring impact and advertising technology
Jurnal Dinamika Ilmu Komunikasi published by Magister of Communication Sciences, PostGraduate Program University of Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama), twice a year (Juni and December). both in the form of online and print.

Vol 10, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
Subki Abdul Qadir, Hadiati Hadiati, Retno Intani
Yuyun Yuniawati, Hadiati Hadiati, Yunitasari Yunitasari
Donny Dharmawan, Rudy Harjanto, Hendri Prasetya
Arso Pranoto Nugroho, Sunarto Sunarto, Hendri Prasetya
Rahmad Rahadiyanto, Sunarto Sunarto, Retno Intani