Latar Belakang: Irigasi saluran akar merupakan salah satu tahapan penting dalam perawatan saluran akar. Prosedur irigasi bertujuan untuk membersihkan saluran akar, mengurangi gesekan antar instrumen dan dinding dentin saluran akar. berbagai bahan irigasi digunakan untuk membersihkan saluran akar dari debris organik, mikroorganisme, sisa jaringan pulpa, smear layer, dan endotoksin. Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) merupakan salah satu bahan yang berperan pada eliminasi mikroorganisme di saluran akar. Tujuan: Menjelaskan peran EDTA sebagai bahan irigasi terhadap keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Metode: Berdasarkan sumber yang didapat dari jurnal, textbook, dan website yang diakses melalui database Google Scholar. Jenis referensi yang diambil berupa laporan penelitian, dan studi pustaka yang diterbitkan dari tahun 2010-2020. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan pendapat pada ahli mengenai peran EDTA pada keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Mayoritas berpendapat bahwa EDTA dapat mengurangi kekerasan mikro dentin dan dapat menghilangkan smear layer, meskipun beberapa ahli menyatakan bahwa EDTA dapat menyebabkan erosi pada dentin dan menurunkan tingkat keketahanan fraktur dentin akar.
Background: Root canal irrigation is an important step in root canal treatment. The irrigation procedure is aimed at cleaning the root canals, reducing friction between the instruments and the dentin walls of the root canals. Various irrigation agents are used to clean root canals from organic debris, microorganisms, residual pulp tissue, smear layers, and endotoxins. Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid (EDTA) is one of the materials that can be used for irrigation. EDTA is able to eliminate the smear layer and contribute to the elimination of microorganisms in the root canal. Purpose: Explain the role of EDTA as an irrigation agent for the success of root canal treatment. Methods: Based on sources obtained from journals, text books, and websites accessed through the Google Scholar database. The types of references taken are in the form of research reports and literature studies published from 2010–2020. Conclusion: This review reveals that there are differences of opinion among experts regarding the role of EDTA in successful root canal treatment. The majority of which argue that EDTA can affect the micro-hardness of dentin and can remove the smear layer, although some experts expressed another opinion that EDTA can cause erosion of the dentine and reduce the resistance level of root dentin fracture.
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