Human Traficking, Causes, Impac ts Arising And The Solution
Trafficking is the act of recruitment, transportation, harbor, transfer, or receipt of persons by threat of violence, use of force, abduction, confinement, fraud, deception, abuse of power or vulnerability, debt bondage or giving payments or benefits, so as to obtain the approval of a person having control over another person, whether committed within the country or between countries, for the purpose of exploitation or cause people to be exploited. Human trafficking is all buying and selling transactions on humans. According to the Palermo Protocol in paragraph three definitions of transaction activity include: the recruitment, transportation, alienation, harboring or receipt of persons, carried out by the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion of others, such as: abduction, deception or deceit, abuse of power , abuse prone position, using the giving or receiving of payments (profits) in order to obtain approval consciously (consent) of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation includes at least; prostitution (exploitation of prostitution) of others or other such forced labor or services.slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. In the case of child trafficking child in question is any person less than 18 years old. Trafficking in persons is a modern form of human slavery. Trafficking in persons is also one of the worst forms of violation of human dignity. Increased proliferation of trafficking in persons in various countries, including Indonesia and the countries that are developing, it has become a concern of Indonesia as a nation, the international community, and members of international organizations, particularly the United Nations (UN).Trafficking is the act of recruitment, transportation,harbor, transfer, or receipt of personsby threat of violence, use of force, abduction,confinement, fraud, deception, abuse of power orvulnerability, debt bondage or giving payments orbenefits, so as to obtain the approval of a personhaving control over another person, whethercommitted within the country or betweencountries, for the purpose of exploitation or causepeople to be exploited.Human trafficking is all buying and sellingtransactions on humans. According to thePalermo Protocol in paragraph three definitionsof transaction activity include: the recruitment,transportation, alienation, harboring or receiptof persons, carried out by the threat or use offorce or other forms of coercion of others, suchas: abduction, deception or deceit, abuse ofpower , abuse prone position, using the giving orreceiving of payments (profits) in order to obtainapproval consciously (consent) of a person havingcontrol over another person for the purposeof exploitation. Exploitation includes at least;prostitution (exploitation of prostitution) of othersor other such forced labor or services.slaveryor practices similar to slavery, servitude or theremoval of organs. In the case of child traffickingchild in question is any person less than 18 yearsold.Trafficking in persons is a modern form ofhuman slavery. Trafficking in persons is also oneof the worst forms of violation of human dignity.Increased proliferation of trafficking in personsin various countries, including Indonesia and thecountries that are developing, it has become aconcern of Indonesia as a nation, the internationalcommunity, and members of internationalorganizations, particularly the United Nations(UN). [3]
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