Efektifitas Good Gov ernance Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dalam Presfektif Otonomi Daerah

Sugianto Sugianto


In the era of reform as a concrete manifestation in the implementation of local government by promoting the concept of decentralization, regional autonomy is the main topic that must be discussed and implemented in all arrangements of local government and society. In the law number 23 of 2014 in lieu of law number 32 of 2004 about local government, in the present era is out of conflict with executive and legislative interest. Because in the implementations of the election of regional head in this case governor, regents, and mayors have become its ownregulation of the law number 10 of 2016, to choose a clean local leader and statesman as a concrete manifestation through the election of regional heads simultaneously inevitably it has become the peoples right, but still cannot be separated from political interest because of candidates for regional head in the law carried by political party or coalition of political parties. That in the context of the current reform era, there are problems to realize a clean local leader and statesman. Of course a healthy and clean Indonesian nation from corruption, collusion, and nepotism is a sure thing of this good governance principle, and of course is something that Indonesia people really missed. The election of new leaders is part of the will of the people who wants to create a competent leader and promote synergy and harmonization.

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