Implementasi Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 188 Tahun 2016 Tentang Tempat Parkir Umum Yang Dikelola Oleh Pemerintah Daerah Di Jalan Pintu Kecil Jakarta Barat

Sifa Fauziah, Evi Statispi


The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the relation of the implementation of electronic parking. The indicators which used in this research are communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. This research use the qualitative descriptive method with data collection based on interview, observation, and documentation. The results of this research are: Communication, in this case related to the socialization that conducted by the policy implementer to the society, based on the research result of the lacking understanding of the society related to the electronic parking policy, so that the society still use the method of payment using cash. Resources, in the implementation of electronic human resources parking policy (HR) is already well enough even there are parking officers who do not fulfill the task appropriate with the applicable standard operating procedures (SOP). Disposition, the attitude of the implementer in this parking management unit is well enough, as well as providing incentives to the parking officers in accordance with the provisions of employment. Bureaucratic Structure, in this case the coordination that conducted by the Parking Management Unit is well enough even there are still some staff or caretakers who do not understand well about the applicable standard operating procedures (SOP) and the regulations applicable in policy implementation. Furthermore, in the implementation of policy on Pintu Kecil Street West Jakarta, the parking management unit acts as an operator is because the Parking Management Unit does not cooperate to the third parties in the implementation of electronic parking policy on Pintu Kecil Street, West Jakarta

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