This article is intended to encourage reflection and discussion on civil-military relations and issues of democratic control of the defense and security sectors. National security and human security are the currencies that have a very close linkage to the national interests of policy formulation. Law and legislation not only serves to ensure the performance of the country but should reflect the essential values of justice and humanity. National security is a dynamic condition of the nation and the Republic of Indonesia which ensures the safety, peace, and well-being of citizens, communities, and nation, protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the State, as well as the ongoing national development of all threats. The formulation of public policies in safeguarding the interests of national public NKRI certainly have to look at the location and geographical and topographical conditions Indonesian archipelago nation of Indonesia as well as the largest diversity throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia to confront the strategic environment and the globalization that is characterized by the progress of science, technology, communication, information, and transportation and negatife positive impact on the national interest. Therefore, formulation and policy analysis in realizing stability of national security, national security management must be implemented by all the States and the components of society through a pattern of integrated threat prevention, rapid, accurate, complete, coordinated and synergistic. It will create a national security system that Helf nation in organizing and empower the national resources in an integrated and focused for the creation of national security. This paper attempts to describe the condition in Indonesia by looking at the various threats that exist consisting of: 1) the potential for postcold war conflicts, 2) Post-reform, 3) Democracy, Intelligence and Geopolitics Flash Point, 4) What is the purpose of national security?, 5 ) Why National Security Concept Important?
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