Implementasi Pembangunan Sosial Masyarakat Perbatasan Di Kecamatan Jogoi Bambang Kabupaten Bengkayang Provinsi Kalimantan Barat

Taufiqurokhman Taufiqurokhman


Research on the implementation of social development of border communities in Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The research is based on the phenomenon of the lack of successful development in fulfilling the basic rights of the people in the border areas between Indonesia and Malaysia. Using qualitative research methodology and using descriptive analytical processing, the intention is expected to answer some research questions, that is by using the question how the implementation and empowerment of society to border area. The data collection is done by literature study and secondary data through documentation from various information that exist only news media and by going down in the field by looking at the condition of Jagoi Babang Sub-district of Bengkayang Regency West Kalimantan Province. The results showed that the effectiveness of development and community empowerment for the border area is determined by three main activities namely organization, interpretation and application. The organization deals with structuring, understanding organizational goals and functions, communication skills and cooperation based on the division of labor based on authority, the availability of resources of actors and the transparency of information, as well as the resources available to support a policy. Coherent interpretation with clarity,precision and consistency in the interpretation of policies and regulations made by the government, knowledge and ability to interpret and understand a policy, community cooperation with government agencies and other institutions, procedures taken and capacity to accommodate the needs of the community. Applications related to the implementation of good tasks, availability of support resources, frequency and intensity of meetings and community assistance, limited environmental factors, implementation of regulations, timeliness in work, control over deviations of activities, funding support and aspects of accountability. The Organization for Accelerating the Development of Disadvantaged and Special Areas (P2DTK), which is a policy of the Central and Regional Governments, has made a policy in supporting border areas. Implementation of the field can lead to different interpretations by different implementors and target groups at various levels. Environmental conditions around it can also affect success in the implementation of development in the area. It seems that the policy is still impressed nuanced centralistic and still thick with top-down development paradigm. So that in carrying out its development can lead to multiple interpretations in the field. in fact, at the level of application is less in line with the basic public needs, this condition is in line with the centerperiphery theory that increasingly strengthens the periphery of the periphery.


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