VIRTUAL ETNOGRAPHY (Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi pada Media Sosial Facebook di Indonesia)
This research attempt to explain a social technological aspect of a new media social network sites which based
on a individual subjective meaning about Computer Mediated Communication as a social activity. Construction
of meaning that build within the user provide a set of value and shared meaning that creates a set of behavior,
including communication behavior especially the language that employed among the user. The user also used
language as a symbolic meaning through social network sites facebook to creates and managing self identity.
The research used a qualitative approach with communication etnographic approach. Informant wre selected
based on purposive. The data collected through participant observation, interviews and document searches. The
result showed a different set of meaning of CMC activity among the user that also creates a different use pattern.
A degree of enggagement creates a different set of communication bahavior based on maps of meaning and set
of norm that created among those virtual community and also described abou self identity management between
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