VIRTUAL ETNOGRAPHY (Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi pada Media Sosial Facebook di Indonesia)

Hendri Prasetya


This research attempt to explain a social technological aspect of a new media social network sites which based
on a individual subjective meaning about Computer Mediated Communication as a social activity. Construction
of meaning that build within the user provide a set of value and shared meaning that creates a set of behavior,
including communication behavior especially the language that employed among the user. The user also used
language as a symbolic meaning through social network sites facebook to creates and managing self identity.
The research used a qualitative approach with communication etnographic approach. Informant wre selected
based on purposive. The data collected through participant observation, interviews and document searches. The
result showed a different set of meaning of CMC activity among the user that also creates a different use pattern.
A degree of enggagement creates a different set of communication bahavior based on maps of meaning and set
of norm that created among those virtual community and also described abou self identity management between


Technology, New Media, Facebook, CMC

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