Yuni Retna Dewi


When communications tools fungcition at their best, they can go beyond mere facilitation to transformations. Such
was the case at rosen law firm.based in releigh, north caroline.Lee rosen, the firms owner and chief executive,
wanted to replace an expensive, complicate and inflexible computer system that employees relied on for everything
from contact list to appointmen calenders to document stroge.the solution he chose for his small law firm was a
wiki, the same technology that enable nearly 100.000 people around thw world to contribute to Wikipedia.The
wiki certainly helped cut costs and it also did much more. In addition to handling much of the firms document
storage and formal communication, the wiki introduced an informal social element that is helping employees
bond as a community.many employees have added personal page with information about themselves, helping
employess get to know their collagues on more intimate level in implementasi the wiki,rosen faced a common
challenge whit new communications tools,getting people to give up familiar ways of doing things and embrace
change.knowing that the value of a company wiki depends on the level of employee contribution and that having
some of the staff swicht while others cling to old ways would seriously discrupt communication he encouraged use
the new wiki with a friendly competition. For each page an employee created during the three moth competition,
he or she was given on possible combination to the company safe,which contained a 1000 cash prize. From time
to time.rosen also forced use of the wiki by publishing important only on the wiki


Business communication today

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Courtland I Bovee and Jhon U Thill.Business in

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Prentice hall, 2005

Evelyn Nussenbaum Boosting Team Work With

Wikis, Fortune Small Business, 2008,

Five case Studies on Succesful Team H.R Focus, 2002

Group Best at Complex Problem Industrial Engineer,

Lynda MC Dermont, Bile Wante & Nolam Brawley,

Executive Team Work, Executive Excellence

Max Landsberg & Medeline P Fau Developing

Divesity; Lesson From Top Team, Strategy

Businees. 2005

Stephen R Robbins, Essentials of Organization

Behavior.6th Lupper saddle river NJ Prentice




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