Manuel Dwiyanto, Mirna Febriani, Irma Binarti, Irina Purwaningrum



Latar Belakang: prevalensi karies di Indonesia sebesar 57,6% dan 45,9% khususnya di Provinsi Bangka Belitung menurut Riskesdas 2018. Provinsi Bangka Belitung terkenal dengan sumber daya alam berupa timbal. Penambangan timbal mempengaruhi lingkungan termasuk air. Sebagian besar penduduk di Bangka Belitung sering mengkonsumsi air tanah. Tujuan: mengumpulkan status kesehatan gigi dan pigmentasi rongga mulut warga, data level logam dan keasaman air minum 3 desa di Kabupaten Belitung Timur pada saat diselenggarakan Kuliah Kerja Nyata 2018. Metode: deskriptif dengan pendekatan potong lintang dengan memeriksa DMFT, pigmentasi rongga mulut, kadar Pb, Fe, F, Cd dan pH air minum. Hasil: 98 penduduk memiliki usia rata-rata 18.949+13.626 tahun. Rerata kadar Pb dan Cd air minum di 3 desa lebih tinggi dari batas maksimum, sedangkan kadar Fe dan F lebih rendah dari batas maksimum, pH lebih rendah dari 7, nilai rata-rata DMFT adalah 5,59+4,20, 8 penduduk memiliki pigmentasi fisiologis. Berdasarkan Analisis korelasi non parametrik Spearman antara konsentrasi Pb, Fe, F, Cd dan pH air minum dengan skor DMFT sangat buruk. Kesimpulan: kesehatan gigi penduduk kabupaten Belitung Timur sangat rendah, frekuensi pigmentasi oral rendah. Terjadinya karies gigi dan pigmentasi oral tidak dipengaruhi oleh kandungan logam pada air minum.


Kata kunci: DMFT, pigmentasi, Timbal, Besi, Fluorida, Kadmium, pH air.




Background: the prevalence of caries in Indonesia is 57.6% and 45.9% in Bangka Belitung Province according to the Riskesdas 2018. Bangka Belitung Province is known for its natural resources in the form of lead. Lead mining affects the environment including water.  Most of the population in Bangka Belitung consume groundwater. Purpose: to collect dental health status, oral pigmentation of residents, score of metal, acidity of drinking water of 3 villages East Belitung District at Kuliah Kerja Nyata 2018. Method: descriptive cross-sectional conducted by examine DMFT, macula, concentration level of Pb, Fe, F, Cd and pH of drinking water. Results: the average age of 98 residents was 18,949+13,626 years. The mean level of Pb and Cd in drinking water were higher, while Fe and F were lower than the maximum limit, pH <7, the mean score of DMFT was 5.59+4.20, 8 residents had physiological pigmentation. Analysis of Spearman’s non parametric correlation between concentration of Pb, Fe,F, Cd, pH of drinking water and DMFT score were very poor. Conclusion: the dental health of the residents of East Belitung district is very low, low frequency of oral pigmentation, dental caries and oral pigmentation are not influenced by the metal contents in drinking water.


Keywords: DMFT, pigmentation, Lead, Iron, Fluoride, Cadmium, pH of water.

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