Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi accepts both the original research article and case reports. Articles is not currently under the process of submission to another journal and has never been published in any media. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English, in accordance with the applicable rules of language usage.
We accept two types of articles, which are:
Original research articles in basic dental science, applied, and dental health-related science. The format of the research article consists of Title Page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Conclusion.
Case Report
The case report format consists of titles, abstract, Introduction, Case Report and Case Treatment, Discussions, Conclusion, and Suggestions
The article is written in Microsoft Word, with 1 space on A4 paper, with a 2,54 cm margin on the left-right edge, also top and bottom edge. The article should be typed with Times New Roman, size 11, 1,5 space. The length of the manuscript shall be between 3000 to 4000 words not including title, abstract and references. Manuscripts are submitted without using page numbers and headers/footers.
- Title Page
Title the article is straight, informative and describes the entire contents of the writing. Letters are typed in Times New Roman, font size 14, all letter capital, space 1,5, center aligned, bold and maximum 15 words
- Abstracts and keyword
Abstract written in Indonesian and English(italics) in 1 paragraph, 200-250 words, with write subtitle that is Background: … Materials and Method: … . Results and Discussion: …. Conclusion: … , do not use non-standard abbreviations (examples of standard abbreviations: kilogram – kg, meter – m, etc.).
Keywords: consists of 3-5 phrases (sorted according to the most words that appear); separator use sign comma.
Writing use letter Times New Roman 10, 1 space, the words "ABSTRACT " are written letter capital and in bold, the words “Keywords” are written bold and lettered First on the first word with letter capital. The phrases are not written in bold.
- Table, diagrams and picture
Tables, diagrams and picture entered in body article. Tables, diagrams and pictures made in JPEG format, written in bold and numbered with Arabic numerals, for example Table 1, Figure 1 and so on. The table title is written above the table. The image title is written below the image. Written in Times New Roman 10 font, 1 space and centered
- Statistical Method
Explain the statistical methods in detail in the method section.
- Acknowledgments (if required)
Saying thank you or statement clear about support finances, relationships work, ownership resources, consultation expert or patent registration, grant or scheme other funding with mention individual or institution related.
- References
Reference written with Vancouver format i.e with numbering reference in accordance with appearance reference the in script. Each references cited written use number placed at the end after sign point. If Name author called in the script, then behind Name author the written down year publication. Writing with Times New Roman 11 and space 1. The composition of the references used in the manuscript should consist of 80% primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum 20% of secondary references (text book) published in the last 10 years. Minimum number of 15 references.
Example of writing a reference:
- Journal
Namel N, Velut HF, Koksal S. Do Autistic Children Have Higher Levels of Caries? A Cross Sectional Study in Turkish Children. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent . 2007; 25(2): 97-102
- Book
Original Book (Author/author wrote all chapters)
Hedge J. Endodontics. Prep Manual for Undergraduates. New Delhi: Elsevier, 2008: 5-15
Original Book with an editor because each author wrote one or more chapters.
Narhi M. Dentinal and Pulpal Pain. In: Bergenholtz, Horsted-Bindslev, Reit (Editors). Textbook of Endodontology. Munksgaard: Blackwell, 2003 : 43-53
Translated Books
Kidd AM, Bechal SJ. Caries Basics. Diseases and their Management. (Essentials of Dental Caries. The disease and It's Management). Translator: Mirza Aryato. Jakarta: EGC Publishers, 1991: 18-30
More from 6 authors:
Iverson C, Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, Glass RM, Glitmann P, Lantz JC, et al. American Medical Association manual of style: a guide for authors and editors. 9th ed. Baltimore: William and Wilkins, 1998: 43-47