Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi (JITEKGI) is published by Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Prof Dr Moestopo (B), Jakarta,Indonesia. This journal is a scientific publication consists of research and case report manuscript that are useful and interesting to read. The purpose of this journal is to gain insight into the latest informations in science and technology dentistry.
The manuscripts presented Conservative Denstistry, Periodontics, Orthodontics, Prostodontics, Pedodontics, Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery, Dental Public Health, and supporting fields in dentistry such as Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Oral Biology, Dental Material Science and Technology.
This journal is published periodically twice a year (in May and November). The submission process opens throughout the year. All submitted manuscript will be screened with double-blind peer review process from two reviewers and editorial decision before the manuscript was accepted to be published.
Jurnal Ilmiah dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi is SINTA 5 accredited journal (Surat Keputusan KEMENDIKBUD RISTEK Nomor SK No. 79/E/KPT/2023, dated 11 May 2023).
Vol 20, No 1 (2024)
Table of Contents
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.2572
| Abstract views : 184 times
Syafira Aisah Afinsaputri, Melaniwati Melaniwati
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3090
| Abstract views : 230 times
Mia Ayustina Prasetya, Luh Wayan Ayu Rahaswanti, Ni Putu Putri Ayu Oktaviana
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3451
| Abstract views : 203 times
Paulus Maulana Soesilo Soesanto, Diah Ayu Sri Ramadanti
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3304
| Abstract views : 146 times
Rina Permatasari, Marsya Alfira
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3281
| Abstract views : 198 times
Iva Wijani, Pinka Taher, Poetry Oktanauli, Margaretha Herawati, Ratih Widyastuti
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3986
| Abstract views : 78 times
Sari Dewiyani, Nazhifa Alfathia
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.3278
| Abstract views : 119 times
Dharma Satya Aprianto, Berlian Puspitasari, Agus Ardinansyah, Siti Nur Riani
DOI : 10.32509/jitekgi.v20i1.2632
| Abstract views : 124 times
Lisa Yulising, Sri Lestari, Lia Hapsari Andayani