MENCARI PENYEBAB AGRESIVITAS PELAJAR Hubungan Konsep Diri, Perhatian Orangtua, Afiliasi kepada Kelompok Nonagresif, dan Iklim Sekolah dengan Agresivitas

Maryono Basuki


The objective of this research is to study the relations between self concept, parents attention, affiliation to nonaggressive
group, school climate, and aggressivity of high school students in Jakarta. These five variables are
seen from the perspective of educational technology. The research was conducted at SMU Darul Maarif, SMU
Cendrawasih, and SMU Al Azhar during April-May-June 2011/2012 academic year), with 150 respondents (cluster
random sampling). The result of the study indicated that: Self concept, parents attention, affiliation to nonaggressive
group, school climate, one by one and together influenced aggressivity. Group affiliation contribute aggressivity
higher than the other variables. Even school climate reduced aggressivity less then another variables,
high influenced on improving affiliation to nonaggressive group. It is summarized that by: encouraging children
affiliate to nonaggressive group, improving self concept, raising parents attention, and maintaining good school
climate, aggressivity can be reduced. It could be concluded that appropriate interactions will enhanced good behavior.
This research, useing linier thinking, unsucceed to search the main cause of aggressivity, so in discussion,
cybernetics method was applicated to reach supra-system and infra-system factors to discribe the cause of youth
aggressivity in Jakarta/Indonesia.


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