Harti Yuwarti


Communication is a basic context for the human to human to know one another. In an agency or company required
a good cooperation between management and employees in order to achieve an organizations goals are good.
The method used was a survey, using a quantitative approach, using test analysis correlation data to obtain the
value of the relationship and was followed by a statement in the form of questionnaires distributed to the selected
respondents using sampling techniques as much as 31 respondents.Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebesar
33 orang dan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 31 orang. Based on the research that has been
done, it can be seen that there is a very strong relationship between the two variables, and the correlation value
of the relationship between the leadership style of communication - with the employee for 0814, this show is a
positive relationship going. It means that the better the communication style of leadership - employees are interwoven
with the employee, the performance is also better. Value of 0.814 for the relationship if interpreted in the
interpretation of the correlation coefficient table is in the interval from 0.80 to 1.000,
Is at a very strong level.


Communication, Leadership, Employee, performance

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