Pitri Indriyani, Eka Yusuf, Muhammad Ramdhani


The phenomenon of women's movements is still not common in the ears of Indonesian society, but in fact the previous women's struggles have brought freedom over their rights to women today. So that the existence of women is no longer considered low. Because women are present in every line, both in education, politics and socially. This study, with the "Study of the Construction of the Meaning of Women Movement for KOPRI in Karawang Regency" uses a qualitative method and a phenomenological approach, because in this study the researcher wants to find out a problem and also a phenomenon that comes from the experience of the informants directly experienced, and also looking to find out about the motives, meanings and experiences of female movements. The theories used in this research are Symbolic Interaction Theory, Phenomenology Theory, and Social Reality Construction Theory which is the basis for researchers in conducting this research. The results obtained after obtaining data from informants regarding the meaning of women's movements according to their point of view are when women can provide benefits and also when women are the spearhead of civilization. The meaning they express is based on their experiences who have carried out humanitarian actions such as raising funds and volunteering for disasters and also opening a reading room as a means of reading for the people of Karawang in the hope of arousing the spirit of reading the Karawang people.


phenomenon; female movement; meaning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32509/.v19i2.1105


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