Angelina Sondakh retained by the Commission as a suspect in the alleged bribery related to the discussion of the
parliamentary budget and Kemendikbud Kemenpora started singing of his predecessors , Muhammad Nazaruddin
and Mindo Rosalina Manulang who first arrested by the KPK . Accordingly, the Commission conduct an
investigation and assign Angelina as a suspect in the alleged bribery homestead project athletes since 3 February
2012. However , in the event of his arrest , the Commission set the suspects in the alleged bribe to Angelina at
the two ministries , namely the case of projects related to house athletes Kemenpora and projects in a number of
cases related to Kemendikbud university . Almost all mass media in Indonesia, especially the print media does
not escape the news by presenting each point of view on the newspaper page . To the authors chose two leading
newspapers in Indonesia, namely , the newspaper Kompas and Tempo .
The purpose of this study is to see how the newspaper Kompas and Tempo frame , construct , and respond to
events on the arrest of Angelina Sondakh as suspects in the alleged bribery in the budget discussion and Kemendikbud
Kemenpora .
Methodologically , this study uses a constructivist paradigm , the qualitative descriptive research , this study also
uses framing analysis model of Robert n entman as analytical tools to the theory of social construction of reality
belongs to peter L.berger and Thomas Luckmann. Results of this study showed a different frame between the
newspaper Kompas and tempo, in framing the incident .Kompas newspapers construct news about Angelina Sondakh
retained by the Commission as a suspect in the alleged bribery of parliamentary budget debate , as political
and legal issues . At the event Angelina Sondakh detention, Compass presents the political elements of the event
. However , related legal issues , Compass issues such events lead towards disclosure cases. While newspapers
Tempo , see this case as a matter of law. Tempo did not tell the political elements of the event.Detention of news
events , Tempo problem immediately ushered towards disclosure cases.
Full Text:
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Surat Kabar
Harian KOMPAS terbitantanggal 28, 29, 30 April
Koran TEMPO terbitantanggal 28, 30 April dan 1
Mei 2012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32509/wacana.v12i4.111
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