Vindhi Putri Pratiwi, Sanny Nofrima, Titin Purwaningsih


This article aims to find out the communication relationship between the central government and local government in handling Covid-19. In analyzing the data using descriptive qualitative methods and processed using NVIVO 12 Plus is a processed data application to analyze online and social media data so that researchers can use the application to manage the data until there is no set time limit. Handling the spread of coronavirus is the responsibility of the central government. However, since the decentralization in Indonesia, it is also the authority of the local government itself to determine the policies that must be carried out related to the handling of the coronavirus or covid-19 outbreak. DKI Jakarta is one of the areas exposed to corona virus with the most confirmed cases. Policies carried out by local governments are also in a race against the policies of the central government. So that there is a good communication intergration between the central government and local government.


Covid-19; Government Communications; Policy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32509/wacana.v20i1.1171


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