Yunitasari Yunitasari


This study aims to learn about the performance and the co-modification of children in Idola Cilik singing contest
program on RCTI through text analysis, to determine the background of its production and capitalism which
changes the value of effectiveness into exchange rate on RCTIs Idola Cilik program through social cognition
analysis, and to find out the interpretation of the Chairman of the National Commission on Child Protection and
communication experts on Idola Cilikl singing contest program through social context.
This study uses qualitative research methods through Van Dijks critical discourse analysis, which includes
analysis of the level of text, social cognition and social context.
The results showed (1) Based on the analysis of the text, the performance and the co modification of children
in the Idola Cilik is actually a result of television media industry as a business institution (RCTI). This has
become a commodity, to be bought and sold, and controlled by market mechanisms, through a program rating,
which ultimately is profit-oriented. (2) Based on the analysis of social cognition, RCTIs Idola Cilik program
was created due to the lack of special programs for children. Idola Cilik is a popular culture with instant
characteristics and is market oriented. The practice of capitalism is seen in the television industry although
RCTI as a capitalist is trying to show that exploitation does not happen, by creating a number of provisions, for
the sake of achieving their interests, making it look as if it is not they who did the co modification of children.
(3) Based on the social context, Idola Cilikl has generated positive interpretation, the program can become
a means of developing talent and increasing the potential of the children according to children characteristics.
There is also a negative interpretation that the program is a form of co modification of children, which leads to
exploitation and making it potentially violates the rights of children


Comodification, Capitalism, Television Industry, Popular Culture, Chilren

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32509/wacana.v14i3.121


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