Pengaruh Event ESMOD Fashion Festival 2012 terhadap citra ESMOD Jakarta
The problem in this study is how much influence the ESMOD Fashion Festival 2012 Event on the image ESMOD
Jakarta on students of SMK Negeri 30 Jakarta Department of dressmaking . The purpose of this study was to determine
the influence of ESMOD Fashion Festival 2012 Event on the image ESMOD Jakarta on students of SMK
Negeri 30 Jakarta Department of dressmaking .
Theory is used for solving the problem is the overlapping of Interest theory that explains the communication
process will run well when the communication between the actors involved much in common in terms of frame of
reference . Sources need to first recognize the characteristics of the individual , social and cultural rights of the
recipient before he delivered the message to be conveyed . The second uses the model of Fishbein Multi Attribute
describing the event activities . Fishbein model explains the formation of attitudes in response to the attributes
. Fishbein models showed that the attitude of an object depends on the probability that an object has certain attributes
and the attributes diinginkanya level and at the level of the attributes desired . Confidence of the object is
then formed , because the attributes that exist at the object .
This research is explanatory research, which aims to examine the effect of two variables: the independent variable
( Event ESMOD Fashion Festival 2012 ) and the dependent variable ( Image ESMOD Jakarta ) . Samples taken
are students of SMK Negeri 30 Jakarta as many as 30 of the student population of 30 students . Sampling based
on total sampling . Data were collected through questionnaires answered by the respondents , any answer in the
questionnaire that was answered by the respondents were given a score based on a Likert scale . The score sheet
is inserted into the coding ( coding sheet ) . For purposes of data analysis techniques used Pearson Product Moment
with SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science ) .
From the analysis of the coefficient of determination between the ESMOD Fashion Festival 2012 Event of the
ESMOD Jakarta Image obtained a value of 0.678 or 67.8 % . ESMOD Fashion Festival Event means to give effect
to the image ESMOD Jakarta of 67.8 % , while the remaining 32.2 % is influenced by other factors .
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