Annisa Anidya


The research was conducted in Afterhour Billiard and Bar is located at Sarinah Building Jl . MH . Thamrin in
Central Jakarta . The place is one of the pioneers of the birth of the entertainment industry who introduced the
billiard sport in Indonesia. Along perkembagan communication technology , making Afterhour as one example of
a growing industry and created competition . Competition has an impact on the company as a place of entertainment
penurunaneksistensi playing billiard famous in Jakarta .
The competition to be the research background . To deal with these problems required countermeasures correctly
so as not to have a serious impact on the company .
This study raised the question of how to maintain the corporate existence , to address the problems that occurred .
In an effort to maintain its existence , the specific strategies and tactics needed proper communication conducted
by Public Relations . Therefore this research titled Strategic Public RelationsAfterhour Billiard and Bar Sarinah
in Retaining existence .
This study aims to determine what strategies are executed Public Relations Afterhour in maintaining customer
loyalty ? . And what strategies are implemented as a marketing function that is run by the Public Relations .
Qualitative method is chosen as the method of research as a strategy for loyalty can not be measured in numbers
or other numerical computation . But can only be measured with words that describe assessment . This descriptive
type of research , so this writer will be able to describe with words that describe the research regarding the
Public Relations strategy .
This research involves the theory of interpersonal communication , because communication is the most effective
communication and efficient to give effect to do so . The data collection method or information retrieval in-depth
interviews conducted with the informants that were the subject of this study in order to obtain actual information .
The concept of this thesis research uses nine steps theory of public relations strategy which consists of nine steps
, namely planning research situation analysis , organizational analysis , external analysis , goal setting and objects
, determines communication action , designing effective communication , establish communication tactics ,
implementation and evaluation plan .
This research is expected to help clarify the Public Relations strategies and provide knowledge in the field of communication
. it is also expected to be information for its readers .


Communication Tactics, Public Relations

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wawancara mendalam informan, Hari Nugroho (manajer


wawancara mendalam informan 2, Budi Abdi (owner)

wawancara mendalam informan 1, Daniel (owner)

wawancara mendalam informan 4, Shanti (Supervisor

Public Relations)



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