HIPNO-KOMUNIKASI Melakukan Komunikasi Dengan Pendekatan Berbasis Hipnosis

Bambang Sudiono


Communication, not just a word. Its a tool to bring human being to the new world which place more understanding, peace and prosperity. Communication base hypnosis by Neuro-Linguistic Programming, one of tools to open our mind, to reach goal setting and to change mind _set.


Mind set, goal setting, change.

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Atkinson, 1999,Pengantar Psikologi, Interdisain, Jakarta.

Rogers, Jenny, 2006, NLP, Quantum Change, Baca, Yogyakarta. Sandjaja, Sasa Djuarsa, 1999, Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi, UT, Jakarta. Keraf, Gorys, 2009, Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta. Goleman, Daniel, 1999, Emotional Intellegence, Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta-Soehardjo; Djoenarsih, 2005, Publik Speaking, UT, Jakarta.

Website:m: http://www.YanNurlndra.com

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32509/wacana.v9i29.368


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