Fuad Rizky


The increasing number of two-wheelers in the capital Jakarta from year to year, causing the capitals streets each
day in both the morning rush hour when people like to start their daily activities and at the time at dusk or in the
evening before the public knew back home after activity packed by a two-wheeled vehicle or motorcycle. The risk
of accident was definitely always there in times like these where the riders start to feel tired. The good condition
of the eyes or other body parts, in this case highlights the tabloid MotorPlus more about eye conditions can cause
accidents, because the eyes need full concentration while driving, the concentration of reduced eye sensitivity
berkuarang concentration also other limbs, because it took the eyes of dark adaptation and light and vice versa.
In this study the authors wanted to see how tabloid MotorPlus framing the reality of frequent accidents when driving
at dusk, especially in Jakarta. This research is based by the constructionist paradigm that highlight aspects of
reality by the media. So the researchers used a qualitative research is the description that only describe a situation
or event, make a picture and framing analysis by Robert N entman.
Results of this study found that framing MotorPlus tabloid news of the frequent accidents when driving at dusk as
seen small but big impact and should be known by bikers, that the eye may also be the cause of the accident in addition
to the lack of knowledge to drive properly and correctly, ( lack of driving skills in driving individual skills),
as well as physical strength and stamina after seharrian activity, due to the motor driving all members onggota
body moves, and all require concentration.
Seen from tabloid news motorplus just looking for the appropriate resource persons in such bidanngnya Ditlantas,
NGOs, ministries of transportation. Although community and non-governmental organizations have socialized on
driving safety to the community and the individual rider. Did not rule out the community members and individual
riders infallible.


Framing, Tabloid, Mass Communication

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