Metode Triangulasi Dalam Penelitian Ilmu Komunikasi

Wiryanto Wiryanto



Triangulation is the application and combination of several

research methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon. It can be employed in both quantitative(validation) and qualitative(inquiry) studies, a method-appropriate strategy of founding the credibility of qualitative analyses, becomes an alternative to " traditional criteria like reliability and validity" and the preferred line in the social sciences.

By combining multiple observers, theories, methods, and empirical materials, researchers can hope to overcome the weakness or intrinsic biases and the problems that come from single method, single-observer, single-theory studies. There are four basic type of triangulation: data triangulation, involving time, space, and persons; investigator triangulation, which consist of the use of multiple, rather than single observers; theory triangulation, which consists of using more than one theoretical scheme in the interpretation of the phenomenon; methodological triangulation, which involves using more than one method and may consist of within-method or between- method strategies.

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Denzin, N. K._ (1970) The Research Act In Sociology: A Theoretical

Introduction To Sociological Methods. London: Butterworths.

Duffy, M.E. (1987). Methodo_logical Triangu l_ation: A Vehicle for Merging Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods. IMAGE: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 19(3), 130-133.

Morse J. ( 1991) 'Approaches to qualitative-quantitative methodological triangulation' Nursing Research 40, 1, 120-123.

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Thousands Oaks. CA, USA.

*Dosen FIKOM UPDM (8), kandidat doktor komunikasi di NUM



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